このように、特定の場面で話ができない状態を、場面緘黙(かんもく)症といいます。医学の世界では、特に選択性緘黙(selective mutism)という用語が使われることが多いです。最近できた新語ではなく、もともとは1934年に Moritz Tramer が最初に用いた術語で、日本では高木四郎氏が1951年におそらく取り上げたのがおそらく最初です。
◇ かんもくネット(新しいウィンドウで開く)
◇ かんもくの会(新しいウィンドウで開く)
◇ 場面緘黙症Journal(新しいウィンドウで開く)
◇ 5月は場面緘黙症啓発月間です(新しいウィンドウで開く)
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Hundreds and thousands of children are unable to speak in school or kindergarten, although they speak freely at home. They are more than just shy but unable to utter a sound over months to years. In more severe cases, they are unable to move their bodies freely.
It is not necessarily a childhood problem. The problem may extend through adolescence and into adulthood.
The condition is called selective mutism, a recognized medical disorder.
They are sometimes misunderstood as manipulative, defiant, or passive aggressive. But most researches seem to think SM is anxiety-related condition.
SM can interfere with school achievement or social development. Some cases develop secondary disorders.
Contrary to the popular belief, children with SM are not necessarily "grow out of it." If untreated, their symptoms can persist for years. So, early detection and intervention is crucial. But the crux of the treatment is to reduce sufferers' anxiety, not force to talk.
For more details, visit the website below.
Selective Mutism Group ~ Childhood Anxiety Network
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Selective Mutism Center
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Smira - Selective Mutism Information & Research Association
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The Selective Mutism Journal[Japanese]
(new window open)
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